No Discrimination

by Charlene

Every nation's art and culture is unique and it promotes equality, thus, equality should be the bond between nations. No to discrimination, embrace all our differences. We all got one life to live, let's make the most out of it by lending a hand to those in need.

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Aug 26, 2017

by: Kenth Bender

Hello Charlene and thank you!

I love your "embrace all our differences".
Our civilization exists, for good and bad, because we are different. We are different as individuals, ethnic groups, political views, religious philosophy of life, so we have different historical stories. The point is, as I see it, that humanity focuses on the differences as something negative. This means that our own difference is something negative, and we do not want to hear that.

For some strange reason, we strive for everyone to be as equal as possible, -Why! As much as possible within a country and between countries, - Why! The same is true in personal relationships, in marriage and wherever we are.

The mantra is the same. My point is, this quest for "equality" is what causes all misery; "If you're not like me, you're less worth it!"

The world would most likely look different if we start thinking and acting in the opposite direction, "the big thing is that there are differences, the biggest thing is that we respect these differences" -that would fertilize our entire civilization.

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