Somewhere in the late 90s, possibly in the early 2000s, was the first time I found Solo Build It! But by that time, I had no need for any website. After several years of a break of my painting, I knew that that day would come when I resumed the work and then a web host was required to meet my wishes and requirements.
I was not interested in any web host who acted with misleading information, like politicians. I have never been interested in someone who puts more energy on criticizing competitors (or political opponents) than presenting their own messages. To me, it means they lack their own substance and can be easily viewed. This approach was and is important because my relationship with my visitors and customers should be based on the same principle.
I have now used Solo Build It! since 2011 with great satisfaction and joy:
1. Validity - When I read the Action Guide I understood the level and the adequate quality I will meet.
2. Reliability - Solo Build It is the program that works to build, develop, apply and enjoy. Outstanding support if needed but it's rare, very rare, everything just works.
3. Credibility - All forms of updating that take place continuously. All the educational writing that is written; contents of articles, tips, tricks, features, email etc.
4. Development - I am impressed by the ongoing development of the whole idea of Solo Build It, an idea in itself that never seems to end. (Read more about Case Studies in different niche areas)
5. The Price - Despite the constant development of the details and the whole, the price is kept at the same low level, - hurray!
The high, even quality appeals to me a lot. It has meant that I have reached my audience, an audience growing for each year. Invitations to exhibitions and art projects are constantly increasing, and the quality of the invitations becomes stronger and stronger. Everything has, so far, ended up In 2017, when I received about 40 invitations from galleries around the world.
I am definitely not a technician and do not understand much of the technical language. Thanks to Site Build It! I have been able to pass these technical barriers, which meant, among other things, that I was awarded an artist award in 2015.
Of course, I recommend Solopreneur - Solo Build It! to collaborate with a serious web host.
Kenth Bender
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Artist Solo Entrepreneur
Heritage & Future
Each part of each piece of art is created by Award-winning artist Bender. Creation continues passionately with new discoveries every day, with the ambition and aspiration of the history and culture of Swedish soil and roots of the name that can be traced to the 1883, - for the future.
Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.
- Victor Hugo -