Maybe that's what someone put it: "Home" is where the art is, contemporary art and culture...
Abstract Art - When human dignity meets abstract art
About Kenth Bender - in search to go beyond the image surface to find the moment of conception.
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The Dignity of Abstract Art - encompasses our quality of life. when human dignity meets the dignity of art you are never rejected by art.
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When Human Dignity Meets the Dignity of Art
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Art and Culture in Europe - Part 2 - This to many is what is termed as modern art. Following the birth of neoclassicism, people developed a disdain for Rococo..
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Art and Culture in Europe part 7 - Byzantine art is supposed to have originated from the Roman Byzantine Empire. It was brought to...
Continue reading "Art and Culture in Europe part 7 - The influence of byzantine art had"
Art and Culture in Europe part 6 - Art from this period is purely meant to convey religious messages and especially those contained in the bible. Medieval...
Continue reading "Art and Culture in Europe part 6 - Medieval times brought with them a "
Art and Culture in Europe – part 5 - European people have been known to have the best scientists and inventors in the world. These scientists have made...
Continue reading "Art and Culture in Europe – part 5 - people have been known to have..."
Art and Culture in Europe part 4 - All these artistes at one time or the other these artists became part of art revolutions and had great influence because...
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Art and Culture in Europe - part 3 - has been defined as geographically distinct, with each region having their own kind of culture.
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The Renaissance era marked a turning point in the artistic celebration of human dignity.
Listen to your inner dignity - From birth we hear social mandates about how we should be in order to be accepted. In reality there is a much better idea than...
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Human Dignity - The greatness, the highest standing human value in itself
Continue reading "Human Dignity - Claim yours, or someone else will..."
Is migration: emigration | immigration - is that about tolerance or intolerance of emigration and immigration?
Galleri 1987 - 1992 .The Free Worlds, Emotions force over thoughts, Next Figure, The viewer, Dance at the salon, Mirror mirror
Bender Gallery 3, The creation continues passionately with surprising discoveries, with ambition and aspiration in connection with the history and culture in
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Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.
- Victor Hugo -