Pierre Taichou

This article has express some of my concerns about how human beings are living in the world. Art and culture does not only affect but create people's personalities and behaviors. I believe that society can be improved upon if we integrate unity among people from different races, religions, socio-economic statuses, political affiliation, and any other group-related characteristics in all forms of art. It should stress getting to really know about another person before being subjected to preconceived notions derived from ignorance. The media in all its forms should be involved in actively getting this to the public. Additionally, influential people from many backgrounds should bring across this message more. Hopefully, with time, more and more people will become less selfish as they unite to become one.

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Aug 23, 2017

by: Kenth Bender

Hello Pierre!
I agree with you. Media is also needed to balance this in other ways. Thank you for taking the time. You are welcome back with new thoughts

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