This is more crucial now more than ever!

by Tremaine
(New York, NY)

With so many arts programs being cut out of schools, this is more crucial now more than ever. Art is so vitally important to life, and without young people being exposed to it, then art will get lost and dwindle. I truly believe that you should start this global network immediately. You can start by joining forces with one artist at a time. I'm sure it won't be hard to get artist on board with you because there are so many artist out there.

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Aug 28, 2017

by: Kenth Bender

Thank you Tremaine,

Your thoughts increase my self-esteem.
The hope is that those who read about and/or experience art and culture as an important cross-border quality, share this. Start talking about it, in the family, at work, in social life. Talk to teachers about how important it is for children to meet this during their upbringing. If you meet an artist, no matter what genre, start the conversation.

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