Art in the (Uppermost) Southeast U.S.

I am from central North Carolina, where I would say art is not largely emphasized. With the exception of few urban centers, most from this area are not concerned with art other than music or tattooing if one considers that an art form.

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Jun 02, 2015
Half up half down hairstyles medium length hair
by: Half up half down hairstyles medium length hair

Hair is common in mammals on earth, and almost all mammals groom themselves and their body hair as part of hygiene. But it is only Humans, who pay more attention to hairstyles for the hair on their heads. In the past few centuries, new and fashionable hairstyles have become the rage, especially among the rich and famous. In the modern world Half up half down hairstyles medium length hair

Jun 02, 2015
Half up half down hairstyles medium length hair
by: Half up half down hairstyles medium length hair

Hair is common in mammals on earth, and almost all mammals groom themselves and their body hair as part of hygiene. But it is only Humans, who pay more attention to hairstyles for the hair on their heads. In the past few centuries, new and fashionable hairstyles have become the rage, especially among the rich and famous. In the modern world Half up half down hairstyles medium length hair

Mar 11, 2015
Thank you
by: Kenth

Thanks for sharing your thoughts

Mar 03, 2015
by: Amy

I am so sorry that people in your area does not give much emphasis to art. Actually, music is also an art form and you should be happy that people of North Carolina is interested in music. Thank you. Beverly Diamonds Complaints

Aug 26, 2013
Art in the southeast u.s.
by: Kenth

Thank you for your contribution.

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