INDIA.....The country of Mystic Magic

by Reba Kurian

India is a country of many cultures, religions and languages .It is this fact only that lends an air of mysticism to the entire country. This is a place where you can witness the latest trends and technologies going hand in hand with the oldest rituals and traditions!when we go across the country...we can witness at first hand how different and yet how similar the Indians are!

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Mar 09, 2015
Thank you
by: Kenth

Thanks for sharing your thoughts

Mar 04, 2015
by: Royz

Of course India is a country of mystic magic. In India there exist many cultures and all people are living in India according to their respective cultures. We can see many traditional festivals in each state. Thank you for sharing this post! beverly diamonds complaints

Aug 23, 2013
Culture of India
by: Kenth

Thank you Reba Kurian for your information.

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