Philippines: Pearl of the Orient Seas

by JayPee

The Philippines is an archipelago with 7,107 islands sprawling at the South East Asian Region. Deemed to be the Pearl of the Orient Seas because of its rich bio-diversity, unique culture, interesting arts and warm hospitality.

The National Museum, located at the heart of Manila, showcases different art forms such as murals, paintings and sculptures created by Filipino artists. Arts is usually inspired by the Spaniards as the country has been colonized by Spain for 300 years. Moreover, the country's National Artists have created masterpieces that reflect the ethnicity of the Philippines. It can be in a form of a song, movies, theatrical plays, etc. These creations serve as inspiration to the Filipino people.

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Mar 11, 2015
Thank you
by: Kenth

Thanks for sharing your thoughts

Mar 05, 2015
good man
by: Marly

I was totally un aware that Philippines was rich in pearls and I wonder why they are still so under developed and mostly regarded as employees in most other countries. It seems most people have no idea at all. Outlook email setup

Aug 26, 2013
Art and cultures in philippines
by: Kenth

Hi JayPee and thank you for your contribution.

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