Picasso is alive!

by Lazaros Ilia

Pablo Picasso is a Spanish painter, one of the most important of the 20th century. He was born on 25 October of 1881. He studied at Barcelona and he settled to France in 1904, where he lived for the biggest part of his life.

At the first period of his work, he affected from different influences. His activity with the primitive art affected him to portray figures in a different way than the normal way. Through his searches, cubism emerged. Cubism was on the most important styles he used, which qualified his work.

He connected with surrealist artists for a while and he affected from them. At the last of his creative years, he painted variations of previous painters and also created many engravings and ceramics too. His best paintings are: ''Guernica'', ''Weeping Woman with Handkerchief'', ''The Charnel House'', ''Minotauromachy'', ''Crucifixion'' and many other.

Pablo Picasso died on 8 April of 1973. But did he really die? I don't believe it! His soul behind his paintings is still there. But only people who appreciate arts can feel it. Pablo Picasso learned us that the power of arts is the biggest power of the people and that the world without art does not worth. He is the best pattern for the young artists in order to learn so much things from his work.

His paintings are so topical. His talent to imprint into a paper just some touches with his paintbrush and to create those magnificent paintings that now admire all the world is something that I will never realize. Finally, art is something that is not taught to anyone. Talent, experience, feeling, spirit and soul are some of the virtues required to succeed.

In conclusion, Pablo Picasso gave a lot to our world and he achieved to progress the world one step in front. You, young artists, try hard to take something from this Titan of Art and work harder. The road to the succeed is a difficult road. But it worth it to try!

Lazaros Ilia

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Oct 19, 2015
by: ken

You're right, Picasso lives on through his unique paintings left as legacy to art lovers. You can see his influence in many contemporary paintings highlighted particularly through colors and shapes. For those who are fans of his artworks, a modern exhibit is the best way to get a closer look of his style.

Feb 26, 2015
Thank you
by: Kenth

Thank you for sharing your thoughts

Feb 26, 2015
by: channingck

He was a great man still lives in painters like me or you. He was a mentor for young one like us. He is always with us through his paintings. The uniqueness in his paintings teach us about how a painting should be. Thank you qspraymy friend for dedicating this article to the Legend.

May 01, 2013
Yes he is!
by: Kenth

Thank you very much for your contribution.

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