Through my son's eyes....

by Elizaeth

I recently had a discussion with my very smart 12 year old son. He is driven by a few passions. One of them is film and cameras. He said to me, "Mom I really don't get what the big deal is with art, especially paintings. Anyone can do it. I think it's boring." Well after my heart fell on to the floor, I asked him about his photography and about his filmmaking. I asked him about his use of angles, and light and choices of props. He answered quickly without hesitation all of the aspects of what he does and why he does it. I then looked at him and said, "All of the tools and choices you make result in an original piece of art, each and every single time." His eyes popped wide open and said, "Oh!"

For a few moments prior to his discovery I was feeling like all of the time and energy I have put into exposing my children to countless museums, exhibits and various other cultural enriching experiences was in vain.

Later that same afternoon I saw my son intently starring into a painting we have in one of our bedrooms. It is an original large piece of art that was completed by my best friend a few months before her death. I asked my son if there was a problem, he said, "No, I totally can see Aunt Lisa in this." The painting is a complete abstract. I was speechless.

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Jul 27, 2016
by: Kenth Bender


Jul 27, 2016
gold pendant with diamond
by: Anonymous

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Oct 08, 2015
by: Kate

Not many kids at this age are passionate about cameras and film, so you should be proud of your son. Even if you had different opinions regarding paintings, he totally deserves one of these Pelican cases for his camera and accessories. He will improve his skills more easily, knowing that you are supportive.

Apr 09, 2015
by: Jane

Those numerous visits to the museum paid off eventually, your kid has a fine taste for art, even if sometimes it finds it hard to admit. Have you showed him the AMusinGlass pieces? If you didn't, now it's the perfect time to introduce him to a different type of art that has grown increasingly popular these days. None of you will regret it!

Mar 14, 2015
Thank you
by: Kenth

Thanks for sharing your thoughts

Mar 11, 2015
nice move
by: Rick James

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Aug 30, 2013
Art through my son´s eyes
by: Kenth

Thank you for sharing your and your son´s thoughts. Give your son my hand.

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