Unique Opinion!

by itookitfirst@gmail.com
(Napa, CA. 94559)

Me (aka. I)

Me (aka. I)

Please, accept my comment as a respectful, yet inclusive, one. In a playful, joking, or just untasteful eye, this wonderful work of art might just hint at crab legs or burning trees, and a nut cracker or two, standing in a semi-parallel formation against an unusual background. Yet I find it to be beautiful and vibrant. I tend to feel a bit uneasy about the color theme, as it talks to my scared and fearful side, at times. I cannot but notice how balanced colors and shades are. This work is worthy of an adventurous, yet rumantic, setting; one that young or old would appreaciate most, that is.

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Oct 23, 2013
Bender Art Wear
by: Kenth

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and perspectives, I appreciate that.

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